Wednesday, July 4, 2007


i'm so sorry i forgot today was your birthday.oh no. i feel so horrible.
so anwyay, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONG. we'll sing you a belated birthday song tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

time table

hey i know alot of you have been asking me whether this week is week A or B. i honestly have no idea but sarina and daniel koh are guessing it's week B. so that's probably how i'm bringing my stuff this week.
oh and i'mso sorry that i didn't reply those people who messaged me. cause my phone is real wonky now so sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't so i haven't really been able to type stuff.
okay that's all for now.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Bow Down Heathens


And for a dose of randomness that has been suppressed during the exam period, I present the DARYL IS KING KLUB (misspelling because it's totally KOOL [I bet Patrick will dump me now]). How to be part of it? Simply put DARYL IS KING in your msn nic. Happy holidays people!

Sunday, July 1, 2007


hurray we're all alive. we have survived the common test.
oh but for all those geogers in our class (or is it just chunwui?) good luck!
althought it does seem unfair that we have a 4/5 day break while you get none. oh and in case this helps, congo is in Africa, not Brazil.

AND, yellow and blue make green.
i'm so glad we all graduated from kindergarten(: