Sunday, June 3, 2007

Listen Up

For those of you who still read the class blog

(which should be all of you, because if I find out that you don't I'll beat you!!! Why would you not like to read the blog? What's wrong with you? It's so cool! It owns...........)


This thursday, we're all gonna go down to watch Ocean's 13. You better come. Or I'll go radio on you.

That is unless, of course, you're a girl.

Then Cielo can do it.

Anyways, timing is not confirmed but this is an open invitation to everyone of 5.9 to come on down (sounds like Bob Barker) and have a good time watching the movie.

We're also thinking of doing a class party or gathering to get drunk and high. Lol.

Lex can be incharge of it you party animal you.

So anyways, yep, just a heads up to anyone who would like to offer their place for our happy fest.

That is all.

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