Return to the Forbidden Planet?
Hello chingchangs. For once I am deigning to post on this sorry attempt at "class spirit". I shall try not to be long-winded.
Who wants to go back to Thailand in November/December for even more volunteer work? Of course, afterwards we can proceed on to more leisurely activities. Interested people please email/MSN/post comment/verbally tell me only these three things:
1) Which part of the Nov/Dec holidays are you free, and how long you want to stay.
2) What do you want to do there? (I'm not sure everyone shares my enthusiasm for digging trenches and laying bricks.) Can also teach kids and stuff, I think.3) Where do you want to stay? (Do you prefer the squalid, spartan quarters of the TVC Village, or the comparatively obscenely comfortable Khaolak Orchid, etc?) Bear in mind price differences.
I suppose I will be the overall planner of this nonsense. Any help is welcome. Also, ask if one or two parents can come along. Supervise and chaperone and stuff. If not, my father might come along. And he is not someone you'd want along on a trip like this (think: no beach).
I guess that's all. Now, back to math IA, for which I might have to miss muay thai training tomorrow. Which is a pity, considering doing math really makes me want to hit someone/thing.
Oh and please respond fast fast. Like wind like that. Windriders? Ho ho. Nov/Dec is peak season and stuff so must book early and all that. Otherwise got no plane ticket, then how? Take gryphon?
Okay, please excuse me while Warcraft cravings slowly (rapidly) take over my train of thought...