The Address
2 Kensington Park Drive #01-02.
It's inside serrangoon gardens.
2 Kensington Park Drive #01-02.
It's inside serrangoon gardens.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
1:41 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Chun Wui
For those really really bored people out there, and those less bored but still have 5 more seconds to use the net, you can help me complete a 4 question survey for me? Thanks a million! and a happy Christmas to everyone!
Here's the link:
since we're going to be 6.9 next year, needn't we change/update our class blog already?
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
6:22 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By JChris
I dont think anyone reads this anymore but anyhow,
It's christmas again. What a good excuse to get inebriated yet again!
Anyhow, a class barbeque is in order seeing as we've not burned our asses having a period of collective diarrhea due to eating improperly cooked food.
Oh, that and the fact that barbeques are supposed to be fun.
As such!!!
Let's hold it a Cheryl's place in Serrangoon making it equally fair and far for everyone. It has also been proven that the further the place, the earlier you get there so less people will be late.
And before you argue! Think of which would be more unfair;
You walking all the way to her place at at least a stature of 1.6?
Or her walking all the way to your place with her stature of 1?
(Think leg length)
So, what date would be nice? Tag a day you're free.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
9:31 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Chun Wui
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
12:55 AM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Melodie
How about I finally got down to changing the class photo!
How about I'm going to try upload a few photos here of the last few days of school this year
How about I don't know what possessed me to upload some of these, particularly the last one. Possibly the desire to destroy eyes and appetites of the class at large.
How about class outing maybe?
Okay, I'll stop here with the really bad intro, and get on with the photos.
They look like they quite enjoy it don't they?
I really think we could have done without the closeup. Actually, no. Such sensational things we can't help but publicise hahaha.
Cheers niners.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
1:03 AM
1 People Blabbered Here
Hey chronicleesians.
In view of the upcoming of the daryl-darren birthdays:
K, i know this is as last minute as it gets, but to no fault of my own! (No seriously)
Given my culinary expertise and the short time frame, its gonna and gotta be potlucckk! so try to bring something awesome that will compliment some kickass beehoon im bringing
Venue: 363 Holland Road, Allsworth Park Condominium -> meet at the BBQ pit there.
(buses available: 7,61,75,165,156 and other buses which i do not take very often)
stop after pandan valley condo (if youre coming from ulu pandan) or after jelita cold storage (if youre comnig from 6th ave/HollandV)
Oh you can swim if you wanna.
ill possibly try to grab a movie from jelita while rushing back from church
Time: 600 - 630ish, the early worm gets eaten by the bird, so try not to get there before i do
P.S. monday being a holiday. stayover if you want, my parents PROBABLY wont mind.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
3:23 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Joash
Post exam class outing!
After the HL Math Paper on Wednesday (since no one does art).
GV Cinema Europa at Vivocity:
Death at a Funeral - a British Comedy (if the embedded link doesn't work this is the trailer).
Anyone up for it?
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
9:35 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Melodie
hey everyone. i bet tension is high as we're all struggling to finish revising and stuff so i just wanted to say all the best to everyone.
and i know not all of us are christians but i just wanted to bless everyone with a verse.
"I sought the Lord and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4
so anyway, all the best everyone. and for those of us who are christians, keep trusting in God and we'll be alright.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
9:54 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Cheryl
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
10:55 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By anonymous
Hello chingchangs. For once I am deigning to post on this sorry attempt at "class spirit". I shall try not to be long-winded.
Who wants to go back to Thailand in November/December for even more volunteer work? Of course, afterwards we can proceed on to more leisurely activities. Interested people please email/MSN/post comment/verbally tell me only these three things:
1) Which part of the Nov/Dec holidays are you free, and how long you want to stay.
2) What do you want to do there? (I'm not sure everyone shares my enthusiasm for digging trenches and laying bricks.) Can also teach kids and stuff, I think.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
2:03 AM
1 People Blabbered Here
Warning: Class Advertisement
Take This Very Very Seriously
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
11:36 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By JChris
I've uploaded my pictures from the beach visit and the long-awaited nightsafari visit pictures onto the class photo gallery.
Now for the latest social experiment, my second "leave my cam in class for about 2 days and see what happens to it" trial. These are my results:
Nicholas looking his morning best
Mr Disciplinarian
Ukelele fun (is that how the cursed thing is spelt?)
Elliot learning to self-soothe
Hierophant and Batman, quite the couple
Teletubby Song
Awwww... another bit of romance
Damn you all
Bryan, one more victim of the 5.9 disease
Greedy Prick
Self-soothing again.. heh heh
Someone has a serious crush on him... 3 photos?!?!
Amazing.... 27 photos, not even half taken by me.....
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
8:36 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Chun Wui
Ladies and Gentlemen, Cheryl has got a new blog:
She would like me to change the add on the links, so if you used that link on your blog, change it to.
That is all.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
10:34 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Chun Wui
A new post. Finally! I don't think you guys should need any persuation to come for this class outing cuz it's time to make up for the things we never did during OEP. It's gonna be on friday morning at Sentosa. We're having a picnic potluck so bring some stuff along to share with everybody. The movie thing is optional for everybody. Vivo city. Afternoon. Rush hour 3.
You must wake up early.
Friday Morning (10/8):
Meet at 7am in Vivo City (outside the monorail area).
Things to Bring:
· Swimming Clothes
· Change of Clothes
· Towels
· Frisbee
· Soccer Ball?
· Volley Ball?
· Fun Beach Games stuff
· Clean Edible Food for the picnic:
o Bread with meat stuff inside
o Drinks? Coolers?
§ Water
§ Sweet Liquid Stuff
o Paper Plates?
o Sporks
o Chopsticks?
o Napkins
o Chips
o Other food you can’t think of? I’ll leave it to your creativity and your generosity haha :P
· Camera
· Enough money for drinks, Sentosa ticket, movie ticket
· Umbrella - in case it rains or if it is too sunny
- Sunblock (Tanning oil or wtv)
Things NOT to bring:
· Pokemon (I’m so sorry guys)
· Tons of cash
· Expensive Stuff
· Your Brain
· Heavy Stuff or you’ll die carrying them
. Harmful Diseases
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
5:35 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By JChris
i'm so sorry i forgot today was your birthday.oh no. i feel so horrible.
so anwyay, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONG. we'll sing you a belated birthday song tomorrow.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
10:40 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Cheryl
hey i know alot of you have been asking me whether this week is week A or B. i honestly have no idea but sarina and daniel koh are guessing it's week B. so that's probably how i'm bringing my stuff this week.
oh and i'mso sorry that i didn't reply those people who messaged me. cause my phone is real wonky now so sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't so i haven't really been able to type stuff.
okay that's all for now.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
7:46 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Cheryl
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
10:14 PM
1 People Blabbered Here
Written By Darren
And for a dose of randomness that has been suppressed during the exam period, I present the DARYL IS KING KLUB (misspelling because it's totally KOOL [I bet Patrick will dump me now]). How to be part of it? Simply put DARYL IS KING in your msn nic. Happy holidays people!
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
9:53 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By LOL GUESS
hurray we're all alive. we have survived the common test.
oh but for all those geogers in our class (or is it just chunwui?) good luck!
althought it does seem unfair that we have a 4/5 day break while you get none. oh and in case this helps, congo is in Africa, not Brazil.
AND, yellow and blue make green.
i'm so glad we all graduated from kindergarten(:
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
2:34 AM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Cheryl
Dudes and Dudettes of Chronicles:
Suffering from post exam hysteria?
I know Matt and I aren't.
But in any case, this is a quick cure for all of you.
This saturday, there will be a lunch held at Vivocity to celebrate Joash and Mong's birthdays. So come down to get rid of all that pent up happiness.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
10:23 AM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Chun Wui
Ok, so because Jim is lazy, the class thing tomorrow has been postponed to monday.
So anyways people, do we want to watch Goal 2 or Transformers?
Jim wants you to post reply on the blog
but i reckon contacting Sim Jeet at 90929594
send multiple messages if you want
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
9:36 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Joash
yes, my friends. is back! if you don't know what that is, please. go get yourself a life. i have traded mine to the gods and i have no regrets. imma scrobblin' again! hate me! hate! me! wahaha! wahoo!
*i am a raving lunatic*
and for further proof that God doesn't hate me as much as i think he does -- kidding, God. you know you're my homey :D -- feast on this. fools
later, haters:
peace. love. bread.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
2:53 PM
1 People Blabbered Here
Written By Lex
Hey everyone!!
CTs start 2mrw!!! haha....good luck everyone!! haha
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
5:15 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Songys
Since I had to draw this map for Shao Xiong (I forgot existed ): ) I figured I might as well put this up here.
The red crosses are bus stops and the yellow/orange paths show the path if you're taking 74 from school (Dover MRT direction). The map is totally not to scale, so take the recommended paths, stray for it at your own risk!
See you tomorrow!
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
11:37 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Melodie
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
5:48 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Darren
Update on the Class Party:
Meet a 2pm at Island Creamery on the 15th June
Instead of bringing food (which you still can anyway), there's been the suggestion of ordering pizza or going to Adam Road Hawker Centre (about 10mins walk), so I'll leave it at that unless someone violently objects.
If you have any ideas (and dvds) of what movies to watch, please tell/bring it on Friday. Don't forget your sleeping bags/pillows/other sleepover necessities too.
For those who aren't able to make it, please contact me if you already haven't told me.
So yup, see you guys on Friday!
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
10:40 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Melodie
Here is an album on that make-up Window On The World Patrick, Justin and I had to go for.
They are probably my worst bunch of vacation photographs ever, which is a pity as the remote island we lived on for seven days was quite beautiful in the way remote islands are: great beaches, clear water, perfect weather... and tropical rainforests and mangrove swamps!
Nevertheless, enjoy.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
5:37 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Nic
Class Party/Sleepover
Date: Friday 15/6 (Or Tuesday 12/6, tomorrow, but dear God please have pity on my soul, it will be really rushed!)
Place: 16 Jalan Kembang Melati, off Farrer Road
Meet At: Island Creamery at 2-3pm? Not yet decided, timing will probably be changed
Please tag if you can/can't make it, and state which days. For those who are going, you might need to contribute food, not to sure on that front, please brings sleeping bags/cards/board games and whatnot, LOTR will probably be screened then.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
12:19 AM
1 People Blabbered Here
Written By Melodie
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
7:50 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Mai
Hey everyone,
here's a list of the showtimes at all the regular cinemas (i.e. those in town) for Ocean's 13... hope it makes it somewhat more convenient in terms of choosing when and where we'll be watching it...
Golden Village Plaza Singapura:
10:30AM 11:00AM 12:40PM 1:10PM 1:40PM 3:20PM 3:50PM 4:20PM 6:00PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 8:40PM 9:10PM 9:40PM
10:40 AM 1:15 PM 3:50 PM 4:45 PM 6:25 PM 7:15 PM 9:00 PM 9:45 PM
The Cathay:
11:10am 1:40pm 4:15pm 7:15pm 9:45pm
Cathay Orchard Cineleisure:
10:45am 11:30am 1:15pm 2:00pm 3:40pm 3:45pm 4:30pm 6:15pm 6:20pm 7:00pm 9:05pm 9:30pm 11:25pm 11:30pm 11:45pm
Happy Choosing.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
3:03 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By John LC
For those of you who still read the class blog
(which should be all of you, because if I find out that you don't I'll beat you!!! Why would you not like to read the blog? What's wrong with you? It's so cool! It owns...........)
This thursday, we're all gonna go down to watch Ocean's 13. You better come. Or I'll go radio on you.
That is unless, of course, you're a girl.
Then Cielo can do it.
Anyways, timing is not confirmed but this is an open invitation to everyone of 5.9 to come on down (sounds like Bob Barker) and have a good time watching the movie.
We're also thinking of doing a class party or gathering to get drunk and high. Lol.
Lex can be incharge of it you party animal you.
So anyways, yep, just a heads up to anyone who would like to offer their place for our happy fest.
That is all.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
1:03 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Chun Wui
OEP was simply wonderful, minus the you-know-whos and it would have been the best time of my life!
I think I shall do the same thing as Darren and send the pictures to the class gmail account, will probably do it tomorrow, someone remind me or something, I tried sending it yesterday but the file was too big and I went off to sleep, hohoho.
OEP would not have been as awesome if not for you guys, and words fail me when it comes to how much appreciation I feel towards 5.9 for making OEP such a blast! Thank you all (:
Oh and before I forget: Sawadeeha!
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
1:30 AM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Melodie
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
12:03 AM
People Blabbered Here
Written By JChris
umm, any suggestions to where i can upload the photos to?
its about 600 plus MB.
There are a few video clips in the folder too.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
10:47 PM
People Blabbered Here
Ok. Sending over the photos is a pain. So I've emailed them to the class gmail account. Log into it to retrieve them. If there's any problems, ya can still ask me for them.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
8:11 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Darren
Well, if I had to describe the trip in a word, it'd be "illuminating". We learned a lot of things in Phuket. Some good, some bad, some weird (Yes Melodie, I am referring to you). But all in all, that was a freaking awesome trip.
Also, the photos I took have been loaded onto my computer, so Instant Message me and I can send you the file over MSN. Alternatively, some kind soul could put them on Picasa.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
5:23 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Darren
Thailand ain't gonna know what hit her.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
10:47 PM
People Blabbered Here
Hey, please remember to bring $35 tomorrow to pay for our class hoodies and also the birthday cakes. Thanks!
Remainder can be used to top up our wow-fund.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
8:18 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Joash
I probably shouldn't be doing this but call it
Exams/Tests Destress
its a kickass boardgame thingamagiqy
omg I got the glass!
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
10:01 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Joash
Sincerely and because i really think the voters got it right -
congrats Cielo & Lex, on your seats in the 2nd council...
2 representatives from pointNINE ain't bad at all.. =)
all the very best for your term,
John LC
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
10:51 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By John LC
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
11:25 PM
People Blabbered Here
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
12:09 AM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Patrick
We had a great time last night doing stupid things, seeing cool things and learning interesting things.
Let's not forget to thank Jim as well for the amazing $10 off our tickets.
Thanks Jim!!
Oh and give your uncle my name can? Incase, you know......
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
5:30 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Chun Wui
Due to restrictions on flash photography, pictures are limited. More later.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
11:58 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Darren
Ok, so this is the latest design I've done. I really do hope yall like it (cos it means less work for me). This would be a back design. The front design would remain the same just that I'd turn it from greyish to brown.
Please like it.
I beg you.
Pretty please.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
10:10 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Chun Wui
This is calling for Gen Huong to share all the Cielo episode photos. In the meanwhile, this is the flour dusted bag pic. Enjoy. Lol.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
6:55 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Chun Wui
Hey pointNINE,
'cos i was just visiting joash's blog where he was talkin' bout eating Ben & Jerry's, and also 'cos during the second last class outing we went for B&J after dinner, i thought this was really appropriate to post here when i got the email from my friend -
free ice cream, what's not to like? x)
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
7:50 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By John LC
First time posting anything on this blog, if only to add to the congratulatory messages here for the good Maria Cielito Austria Yao. Genuinely euphoric, genuinely surprised and genuinely impressed. How oh how did you come up with some many good jokes in 15 minutes? Even if they were sexist ones. Guess you just summoned *rant mode* and went for it.
You go girl!
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
9:35 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Daryl
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
9:03 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Cielo
In other news and results:
Joash Lost a Bet
Gerald Won a Bet
Biggest year 5 ownage of LSY ever
LSY winner also winner of the Best In-your-face Comeback of FOREVER
Same person also awarded biggest-liar-about-your-anxiety award
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
8:19 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Chun Wui
Our congratulations to Cielo for winning the Lee Suan Yew Speaker of the Year Award!
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
8:01 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Darren
Ok.... so JChris told me try out another design. A more "Abercrombie and Fitch" ( kind of design. A vintage look if you will. The one before is a prototype.
This would then be top right logo:
This would be the back logo (there are two, I don't really know which yall would prefer and I don't know if yall would like your names on):
Gabriel: You're welcome!!
But honestly all, I'd like for everyone to come to a consensus soon. It's not that I don't wanna design anymore (I love photoshopping) but we need to get it printed soon and every time I form an "emotional" attachment to one of my designs, I've gotta do another. Yeah.... I'm not whining or complaining but just hope to have it confirmed asap yeah? Thanks.
Please decide whether to have names or not or whether to have monkeys or vintage yeah?
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
9:20 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Chun Wui
Work is driving me witless, so I've just updated the timetable on the right, in case anyone needs it. - excel file yadda yadda yadda so you can make changes to it if that ever takes your fancy.
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
10:07 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By Patrick
From the
class of 6ixpoint9ine
9:52 PM
People Blabbered Here
Written By JChris